With the belief that good people make a good company

Vision/ Management Philosophies

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An enterprise to which customers and neighbors are grateful

Just as supporting actors help a main actor stand out on stage, the parts developed by Shinsung ST make products excellent and valuable.
The value of Shingsung ST increases when employees, customers, and neighbors feel thankful for its technologies.

Management Philosophies

"Something good will happen to you"

Based on the Christian faith and the belief that good people (honest people, positive people, and people who have a dream) make a good company (a company in action, a company being with you, a company making a contribution), Shinsung ST Co., Ltd. pursues the following management philosophies

Self-fulfillment All executives and employees of Shinsung ST Co., Ltd. not only increase their values for the development of the company, but improve the quality of their lives.

Customer Satisfaction
Customer satisfaction By providing excellent quality products and services, Shinsung ST Co., Ltd. implements the management of customer satisfaction.

Neighborly love
Love of neighbor The profits generated by the efforts of all the executives and employees in Shinsung ST Co., Ltd. return to neighbors, communities, and missionary work for the living-together society.